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Winter Break Art!

Being home from school with no job, no assignments, and no responsibilities left me lots of free time for art. While I probably didn't take advantage of this time as well as I could have (oversleeping and playing Sims got in the way most days) I did make a few crafts and had some time to experiment!

I always feel at an advantage as an artist / crafty person when holidays and birthdays come around because for the most part if I'm low on cash I can just... create something I know that person will want or like. Soooooo for this Christmas I experimented with wood burning to create coasters and kitchen utensils as presents!

I ordered wooden circle shapes online and made sure they had the bark on the sides. The wood was soft making it really easy to burn into, making it more difficult to control at times.

I sketched out 3 slightly different gnomes and background details onto the coasters and burned away! I used about 3 different burner tips to achieve different sizes and textures as I dug into the wood. To seal them I just used 4 coats of matte Mod Podge in order to prevent damage.

My family loved these and now I have a nice list of people who want me to make them coasters for their own house haha.

While I was on the wood burning kick I burned these wooden kitchen utensils! Again I sketched out a design not the spoons with a pencil and then just burned over that. These spoons were a type of teak wood, which turned out to be incredibly hard to dig into, but I got through it.

I hope to get more precise as I practice. Im not as proud of these ones up close,

but for my first go I'd say it's all good!

Finally I created a 9x12 graphite portrait of my girlfriends family's dog, Oliver, who had just passed away. I also took this opportunity to film part of my process in order to share it. Oliver was the sweetest pup and a pleasure to draw <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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