For my final website, I focused on the functionality of my site and working to complete things from the critique at the start of the year, that would improve the basic workings of my portfolio. This included things like repositioning my header so it aligned and stayed relative to the rest of the page, recoding my links so they weren't just linked to the specific file on my own computer but were accessible from anywhere, and re-writing some text/ taking out unnecessary content. I also worked on attempting to fix up my line spacing between different sections of my pages, although I was able to fix a lot of these errors I still struggled to get it to look exactly how I'd like on my resume page. However, I still feel it was an improvement and the information is still legible to a viewer.
I made sure to include my A2 & A3 projects to my gallery page, linking A2 to open in a new browser and A3 to have the same CSS as my other site pages, allowing users to navigate back to gallery or to any other page on my site. Although we learned multiple different galleries, I decided to stick with the grided gallery, with linked thumbnails that open separate pages with full size images. Although this takes them off of the art page and to a separate linked one, I feel this was the best way to show off full size images as well as have plenty of room to talk about the work itself and make changes to that text as need be.
Overall I feel the functionality of my site has improved, even if aesthetics have stayed similar from the beginning of the year. I fixed a lot of major linking & text issues, ultimately giving me final portfolio site to continuously build from!