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Assignment 1 Critique


- Position header over to the right (left/right margin auto). Although it works on my screen because that was the res I coded the site too, when put on someone else's screen the alignment shifts.

- Links to images/words are set to the preferences of my specific computer screen, should be coded as "resume.html", not "file:///....."

- Keep in mind 8-12 word line length

- "Shift, return" for empty line space (in resume page specifically, look up W3 school tutorial if confused).

- When writing my artist statement think about:

Why? (why am I an artist, why do I make the work that I do)

Where? (where am I based, where am I inspired)

Who? (who am I? who inspired me)

What? (what mediums do I work with, what sort of art do I make)

- Class enjoyed my color palette, that I added information about my work to the full size images (title, size, medium) and the way I formatted the 'gallery' with thumbnail images.

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